Saturday December 2


Session I

9:45-10:00       Welcome remarks


10:00-10:30    Boris Reizis, New York University

Plasmacytoid dendritic cell function in antiviral immune responses


10:30-11:00    Megan Orzalli, UMass Med

Regulation of cutaneous antiviral immunity


11:00-11:15    Coffee Break in Loeb Quad


11:15-11:45    Katherine Siddle, Brown University

Host and viral dynamics in hemorrhagic fevers


11:45-12:00    Selected short-talk: Giulia Unali (Douam’s lab)

Bone marrow hematopoiesis defects in a mouse model of post-acute sequelae of COVID19 (PASC)


12:00-12:15    Selected short-talk: Devin Kenney (Douam’s lab)

Sex shapes lung antiviral immunity upon heterologous viral infection.


12:15-1:15       Lunch in Swope Dining Hall

1:15-1:25         Group Picture, Stairs at the entrance to Lillie Building



Session II

1:30-2:30         Keynote Lecture: Paul Turner, Yale University


Interactions between emergency phage therapy and host immunology


2:00-2:15         Coffee break in Loeb Quad


2:15-2:45         Debattama Sen, MGH, Harvard Medical School

Epigenetic Reprogramming of T Cell Exhaustion: Lessons From Chronic Viral                               Infection


2:45-3:00         Selected short-talk: Erik Guillen (Lauvau’s lab)

Impact of T cell receptor signaling on memory CD8+ T cell functional programming


3:00-3:15         Selected short-talk: Ayano C. Kohlgruber (Elledge’s lab)

TCR-MAP: A novel, high-throughput T cell antigen discovery platform to identify viral- and self-antigen TCR reactivities in rheumatoid arthritis


3:15-3:45         Nicholas Arpaia, Columbia University

A pathogenic function of regulatory T cells in chronic liver disease


3:45-4:15         Wei Hu, Yale University

Transcriptional basis for Treg mediated control of autoimmunity


4:15-4:30         Coffee break in Loeb Quad


4:30-4:45         Selected short-talk: Payal Damani-Yokota (Khanna’s lab)

Parasite induced type-2 immune responses reprogram macrophages to mediate disease tolerance during heterologous respiratory infections


4:45-5:00         Selected short-talk: Rodrigo J. Gonzalez (von Andrian’s lab)

Constitutive immune surveillance of the nasal mucosa by neutrophils


5:00-5:15         Selected short-talk: Karen Agaronyan (Medzhitov’s lab)

Tissue adaptation to toxin exposure


5:30-6:00         Poster setup


6:00-7:30         Dinner in Swope Dining Hall


7:30-10:30       Poster sessions & craft beer tasting in Swope Poster Area and Terrace.


Sunday December 3

Session III


9:30-10:00       Duane Wesemann, Brigham Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School

Antibody Affinity Birth Potential through Somatic Hypermutation


10:00-10:30    Claudia Jakubzick, Dartmouth University

Coordinated Chemokine Expression Defines Macrophage Subsets Across Tissues


10:30-10:45    Selected short-talk: Yoshitaka Kimura (Medzhitov’s lab)

Proteostasis maintenance by macrophage trogocytosis


10:45-11:00    Selected short-talk: Zhongyang Wu (Zhou’s lab)

pH-Dependent Regulation of Inflammatory Response through Transcriptional Condensates


11:00-11:15    Coffee break in Loeb Quad


11:15-11:45    Roni Nowarski, Brigham Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School

Charting the cellular biogeography in colitis reveals fibroblast trajectories and coordinated spatial remodeling


11:45-12:15    Craig Willen, Yale University

Tuft cells are an immune privileged niche in the gut


12:15-12:30    Selected short-talk: Pavel Hanč (von Andrian’s lab)

Multimodal control of dendritic cell functions by nociceptors


12:30-12:45    Selected short-talk: Eric Bartnicki (Khanna’s lab)

Nerve- and Airway-Associated Interstitial Macrophages Regulate Anti-Tumor CD8 T Cell Immunity in Tumors in the Lung


12:45-1:00       Concluding remarks and Poster Award Presentations